Controlling for a Variable in Chi-Square Analysis

Suppose you obtain the following table that relates # of drownings per day to amount of icecream eaten per day (the sample size is 200 days randomly chosen from a given year) :

Few Many Sampled
Little 60 40 100
Lots 40 60 100
  Sampled 100 100 200

chi-square = 8, df = 1, p < 0.005


Few Many Sampled Prop
Little 60 40 100 .50
Lots 40 60 100 .50
  Sampled 100 100 200  
  Prop. .50 .50   1.00


Calculating Expected Frequencies
(given assumption of independence)

  Few Many Sampled
Little .5*.5*200 = 50 .5*.5*200 = 50 100
Lots .5*.5*200 = 50 .5*.5*200 = 50 100
Sampled 100 100 200



Few Many Sampled
Little 10 -10 0
Lots -10 10 0
  Sampled 0 0 0


Difference Squared

Few Many Sampled
Little 100 100 200
Lots 100 100 200
  Sampled 200 200 400


Squared differences divided by expected

Few Many Sampled
Little 2 2 4
Lots 2 2 4
  Sampled 4 4 8

So the chi-square value is 8, the degrees of freedom = 1, and, if we look this up in the chi-square table, we find that the p-value (the significance) is < 0.05 (it is significant).

So ice-cream sales are related to drownings. The question is 'why?'. Your theory is that the reason why the amount of ice-cream is related to the number of drownings is because of a third variable, which is the temperature of the day. On hot days, people buy more ice-cream, and they also go swimming, which results in some drowings. Like this:

wpe4.jpg (6964 bytes)

To test this theory, what you need to do is to control for temperature. According to the theory, if you consider only hot days, there should be no relationship between ice-cream and drownings. Similarly, if you consider only cold days, there should again be no relationship between ice-cream and drownings. The reason is that the only connection, theoretically, between ice-cream and drownings is through temperature.

So what you do is create two separate tables that relate ice-cream to drownings: one for hot days, and one for cold:


Few Many Sampled
Little 50 20 70
Lots 20 10 30
  Sampled 70 30 100

Chi-Square = 0.227; DF = 1; P = 0.6



Few Many Sampled
Little 10 20 30
Lots 20 50 70
  Sampled 30 70 100

Chi-Square = 0.227; DF = 1; P = 0.6

Notice that if you add the corresponding cells of the two tables, you obtain the original table for all days. Notice also that for each table, the chi-square test is non-significant. This supports your theory: when you control for temperature, the apparent relationship between ice-cream and drownings disappears. The only the reason you thought there was a relationship at all is because you were mixing together both hot and cold days.

To further test your theory, you also have to check each individual link in the model. For example, the theory says that temperature determines ice-cream sales. So that implies that a chi-square test of the relationship between temperature and sales will be significant. The theory also says that temperature determines drownings, so you need to check that those two variables are significantly associated as well.

So let me summarize. If the theory has either of the following forms,

wpe1.jpg (4830 bytes)

then to test it you do the following steps:

  1. Confirm that A and C are significantly associated.
  2. Confirm that A and B are significantly associated
  3. Confirm that B and C are significantly associated
  4. Confirm that A and C are NOT significantly associated WHEN you control for B (i.e., when you hold B constant)