MB 313 F00
Final Exam

This is a takehome exam which may be completed in groups. If you choose to work together with others, make sure everyone's name is included in the answer sheet. The exam is due no later than 11:59 pm, Thursday, December 14th via email. The answers should be in an attached document in Microsoft Word format for the IBM. Do NOT use a Mac, and do NOT use any other word processing program. The day after emailing the completed exam, check with me to make sure that I was able to open the file. Failure to follow these instructions will result in a failing grade.

Please answer all questions completely but concisely. Approximate length guides are given at the end of each question in parentheses (like this).

1. Here are two questions about theory construction:

a) What are the characteristics of good theories? Explain. (1 page)
b) Can we ever prove a theory to be false? Discuss. (1 paragraph)

2. You have a hypothesis that firms that are more "environmentally sensitive" are more profitable. To test this, you will need to measure both profitability and environmental sensitivity of a large sample of firms. Profitability is easy to measure. Environmental sensitivity is harder to measure. Let’s assume that you cannot interview members of the organizations. How would you go about measuring the environmental sensitivity of firms (using such materials as web pages, press releases, and internal memos). (1 page) 

3. In any given organization, there are some qualities of individuals which are rewarded and respected and other qualities that are not. In other words, there is an understanding – a culture -- of what constitutes good performance. As a consultant, you are charged with interviewing members of the organization and determining what that understanding or culture is. How do you go about it? (1 page)

4. What kinds of research questions is cultural domain analysis best suited for? What do learn from a cultural domain analysis? (1/2 page)

5. Compare and contrast the following (five separate short-answer questions):
  • Emic vs etic approaches to research
  • Corpus vs case approaches to textual data
  • ratio vs interval level of measurement
  • Word counting vs. Tagging vs. (true) coding
  • Freelists vs. open-ended questions

6. Define each of the following in your own words: (1 paragraph each)

7. How do you go about finding themes in text? (2 pages)


Good luck!