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UCINET is a comprehensive package for the analysis of social network data as well as other 1-mode and 2-mode data. Can read and write a multitude of differently formatted text files, as well as Excel files. Can handle a maximum of 32,767 nodes (with some exceptions) although practically speaking many procedures get too slow around 5,000 - 10,000 nodes. Social network analysis methods include centrality measures, subgroup identification, role analysis, elementary graph theory, and permutation-based statistical analysis. In addition, the package has strong matrix analysis routines, such as matrix algebra and multivariate statistics.

Integrated with UCINET is the NetDraw program for drawing diagrams of social networks. In addition, the program can export data to Mage and Pajek.

Trial Version / Purchase

UCINET can be downloaded and used free for 60 days. For longer use, individual students pay $40, faculty, schools & government pay $150, and corporations pay $250. In addition, generous volume discounts / site licenses are available. Click here for ordering information.


UCINET is updated regularly. Registered users can download the latest version of UCINET 6 anytime, free of charge and without having to re-register and without losing any data.

Technical Support

We maintain a Yahoo group where users can ask questions and trade information on using the program.


PO Box 910359, Lexington, KY 40513 USA. Tel: +1 859 881 9906. Fax: +1 859 881 9906. E-mail: sales@analytictech.com; support@analytictech.com
Send mail to info@analytictech.com with questions or comments about this web site.
Last modified: 10/21/10