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PURPOSE Compute similarities among rows or columns of a matrix using one of various measures.

DESCRIPTION Given a matrix with n rows and m columns, the program computes either an n-by-n matrix of similarities among the rows, or an m-by-m matrix of similarities among the columns.


Input dataset:
Name of file containing matrix to be analyzed. Data type: Matrix.

Measure of profile similarity: (Default = CORRELATION)
Choices are:

Correlation - Pearson's product-moment correlation.
Covariance - Mean-centered cross products: Sxy/n - SxSy/n^2
Cross-Products - Sum of products: Sxy
Matches - Proportion of cases in which xi = yi for all i
Positive Matches - Proportion of cases in which xi = yi given that either xi > 0 or yi > 0 or both

Compute similarities among Rows or Cols: (Default = COLUMNS)
If Rows, an n-by-n similarity matrix representing the similarity between each pair of rows is computed. If Columns, an m-by-m similarity matrix is computed representing the similarity between each pair of columns. 

(For sq. mats) Diagonal valid (Default = YES)
If No, values along the main diagonal are treated as though they were missing.

Output dataset: (Default = 'Similarities')
Name of dataset to contain output similarity matrix.

LOG FILE Similarity matrix, displayed with 2 decimal places.


COMMENTS Missing values are ignored.