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PURPOSE Constructs a multiplex graph from a multirelational graph.

DESCRIPTION Technically if G(V,{Ri}) is a multirelational graph with vertex set V and relations {Ri}, i e I. If v and w are two vertices of G then the bundle of relations connecting v to w, Bvw, is defined as Bvw = {Ri: vRiw}.  Let Mk be the set of all bundles. The multiplex graph is the valued graph with valued adjacency matrix Xi,j = k where k is the Mk bundle of relations connecting i to j. Non technically the algorithm determines how many different distinct patterns of relations (the bundles) link any pair of vertices and assigns each of these a numerical label. The arcs in the output multiplex graph are then labeled with these identifying numbers.

  Input dataset:
Name of file that contains multirelational binary network data. Valued data are automatically converted to multirelational binary data using a technique identical to Multigraph. Data type: Digraph. Multirelational.

Include transpose(s) in the multiplexing (Default = No).
For non-symmetric data the transposes can be automatically added as additional relations.

Convert data to geodesic distances (Default = No)
Option to convert each relation in dataset to geodesic distances.

Output dataset (Default = 'Multiplex')
Output file that will contain multiplex graph.

LOG FILE Multiplex graph adjacency matrix.

TIMING Exponential.

COMMENTS In the worst case, the timing for the algorithm is exponential. The timing depends on the number of possible bundles; up to 2 to the power N bundles can occur when there are N different relations.