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PURPOSE Calculate the density, sum or average value within and between groups in a network or matrix.

DESCRIPTION The density of a binary network is the total number of ties divided by the total number of possible ties.  For a valued network it is the total of all values divided by the number of possible ties.  The density of a network is simply the average value of the binary entries and so density and average value are the same. If the network or matrix has been partitioned this routine finds these values within and between the partitions. This is the same as finding the average value in each matrix block. The routine will perform the analysis for non-square matrices.

Network dataset 
Name of file containing dataset to be analyzed. Data type: Matrix.

Dataset containing Row Partition
Name of a UCINET dataset that defines the row partition (an attribute dataset) either in its columns or in its rows. All entries in the identified column (or row) with the same value will be put in the same partition. The user must select whether it is the rows or columns of the dataset that define the groups. Finally the user must select which column (or row) contains the requited partition data. Clicking the C button will make the partition complete and include all the actors, clicking the I button will make the partition an identity and each actor will be placed in a separate partition.

Dataset containing Column Partition
Name of a UCINET dataset that defines the column partition (an attribute dataset) either in its columns or in its rows. All entries in the identified column (or row) with the same value will be put in the same partition. This is often the same as for the row partition and this will be set as such by default.The user must select whether it is the rows or columns of the dataset that define the groups. Finally the user must select which column (or row) contains the requited partition data Clicking the C button will make the partition complete and include all the actors, clicking the I button will make the partition an identity and each actor will be placed in a separate partition.

Name of data file which will contain densities/average values (or sums/frequencies) the default will be <input filename>-density.

Standard deviations
Name of data file which will contain standard deviations of each block the default will be <input filename>-stddev.
Utilize diagonal (reflexive ties): 
If this is unchecked then for square matrices the diagonal entries are ignored.

Checking average will give densities/average value checking sum will give totals/frequencies. 

LOG FILE The partitions selected are displayed followed by a matrix of densities or average tie strengths of the blocks, followed by the standard deviations of each block.