Contents - Index


PURPOSE  To provide descriptive statistics about the values of a continuous variable for ego's alters.

DESCRIPTION This procedure generates standard descriptive statistics based on the values of a variable attributed to ego's alters.

PARAMETERS Input Network Dataset
This parameter specifies the network dataset indicating the presence and absence of ties.  Datatype: directed graph. 

Input Attribute Dataset
This parameter specifies the dataset containing attribute data for the network specified above.  Once the filename is entered, UCINET will read the labels.  You can specify that the attributes appear on the column (the default) or the row Dimension, and then select the attribute's label from the drop down list under Value.

Output Measures Dataset
Specifies the name of the dataset created to store the resulting measures.  By default it is the same as the input dataset name with "-EgoHomophily" appended.

Definition of Ego Network
Allows you o specify which nodes connected to ego are included in the ego network calculations.

LOG FILE The log file contain a table of descriptive statistics of the variable values represented by ego's alters for each ego.  In particular, the following standard statistics are provided:  Average (Avg), Sum, Minimum (Min), Maximum (Max), and Standard Deviation (StdDev).