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DESCRIPTION Two 16-by-16 matrices

GAMAPOS symmetric, binary
GAMANEG symmetric, binary.

BACKGROUND Hage & Harary (1983) use the Gahuku-Gama system of the Eastern Central Highlands of New Guinea, described by Read (1954), to illustrate a clusterable signed graph. Read's ethnography portrayed an alliance structure among three tribal groups containing balance as a special case;  among Gahuku-Gama the enemy of an enemy can be either a friend or an enemy.

  The signed graph has been split into two matrices: GAMAPOS for alliance ("rova") relations, GAMANEG for antagonistic ("hina") relations. To reconstruct the signed graph, multiply GAMANEG by -1, and add the two matrices.

REFERENCES Hage P. and Harary F. (1983). Structural models in anthropology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (See p 56-60).

Read K. (1954). Cultures of the central highlands, New Guinea. Southwestern Journal of Anthropology, 10, 1-43.