Contents - Index


PURPOSE A random digraph is created in which edges are generated with the constraint that each vertex has a user specified out-degree.


Number of nodes (Default = 10)
The size of digraph to be constructed.

Number of graphs (Default = 1)
This specifies the number of relations to be generated.

# of choices per actor (out-degree)
Specifies the out-degree for each actor.  A single number will specify the same out-degree for each actor.The degree of each actor can be specified by a list.  Each element of the list is separated by a space or comma.  If the list is shorter than the number of nodes then it is extended by repeating from the first element.  Values greater than the maximum out-degree are reduced to the maximum value.
The list can be specified by a UCINET data file.  This must be of the form:
  <filename> ROW (or COLUMN) <number>

where filename is the name of the data file. The command ROW or COLUMN followed by the appropriate number specifies which row or column of the dataset is to be used.

Generate self loops (Default = No)
If NO edges connecting a node to itself will not be allowed.

Random generator seed:
A seed for the random number generator.  Use of the same number will create exactly the same 'random' graph.  Any value from 1 to 32000 is permissible. The default is randomly generated.

OUTPUT dataset (Default = 'SociometricRandomGraph')
Name of file which contains generated digraph.

LOG FILE Table of specified out-degrees.
Randomly generated digraph which conforms to the specification.