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PURPOSE Compute standard univariate statistics on values of a matrix.

DESCRIPTION Procedure computes mean, standard deviation, variance, Euclidean norm, maximum, minimum and total number of observations for each row or column of a matrix, or for the matrix taken as a whole.

Input dataset
Name of file containing matrix to be analyzed. Data type: Matrix.

Which dimension to analyse: (Default = COLUMNS)
Choices are:
Rows - Statistics are computed separately for each row in matrix.  Result is a matrix whose rows correspond to the rows of the data matrix and the columns are statistics.

Columns - Statistics are computed separately for each column in matrix.  Result is a matrix whose columns correspond to the columns of the data matrix and the rows are statistics.

Matrices - Statistics are computed on the matrix as a whole.

(For square mats) Diagonal valid? (Default = YES)
Whether diagonal values in square matrices are to be ignored (treated like missing values).

Output Dataset: (Default = 'UnivariateStats')
Name of data set to contain output statistics.

LOG FILE Matrix of statistics.


COMMENTS Missing values are ignored.