Arranged by Topic


Intro to Network Analysis

Slide show

What is it? Overview of the objectives and nature of the field

Basic Concepts. Slide show in pdf form.

Introduccion. En Espanyol.

History. History of the field, adapted from Scott.

Empirical. Review of empirical results. By Dan Brass.


Mathematical Foundations

Graph Theory. Introduction to basic concepts in graph theory (slides).

Teoria de Grafos. Introduccion a conceptos matematicos (slides).

Intro to Graph Theory. Comprehensive introduction to basic concepts in graph theory.

Matrices. Representing networks as matrices.

Graphs & Matrices. A different take on the material of the first two handouts


Data Collection & Entry

Slide Show

Kinds of Data Matrices. Discussion of modes and ways.

Data Collection. Overview of methods and issues in collecting complete network data.

UCINET Data Entry. Examples of how to enter network data for analysis by a computer program.


Multivariate Analytical Tools

Hierarchical Clustering. Step-by-step explanation of Johnson's hierarchical clustering.

MDS. Simple explanation of multidimensional scaling.


Testing Network Hypotheses

Slide Show



Ego Networks. General intro to the study of ego networks.

Social Support. Discussion of the social support aspects of social networks.

Structural Holes. "Structural Holes: Unpacking Burt's Redundancy Measures." CONNECTIONS 20(1):35-38



Centrality. Overview of centrality measures, with descriptions of degree, closeness, betweenness and eigenvector centrality.

Central. Notes on several centrality measures, including Katz, Hubbell, etc.

Centralidad. Conceptos de centralidad de nodos.

Bavelas-Leavitt. Summary of the Bavelas-Leavitt experiments. Keywords: closeness centrality; team performance.

Rise of Moscow. Explains the rise of Moscow in 12th century Russia in terms of betweenness centrality



Tetracycline. Describes the Coleman, Katz and Menzel paper. Also touches on HIV.

Centrality & Diffusion. Interpreting centrality measures in the context of HIV infection.

Weak Ties. Granovetter's theory of the paradoxical strength of weak ties.



Tutorial by Martin Everett. 

Cohesive Subgroups. Overview of clustering and theoretical subgroup methods.

Hierarchical Clustering. Step-by-step explanation of Johnson's hierarchical clustering.

MDS. Simple explanation of multidimensional scaling.



Tutorial by Martin Everett. (incomplete)

Position. Structural equivalence.



Role. Regular and automorphic equivalence.


En Castellano

Introduccion. Introduccion al tema de redes sociales.

Teoria de Grafos. Introduccion a conceptos matematicos.

Centralidad. Conceptos de centralidad de nodos.